
Advancing Women Job Hunting Portfolio - Why Is It A Bargain?
You can save thousands off the cost your job search by investing in sales tools to market yourself more effectively and accelerate the sales process. Time is of the essence. Every month that goes by costs you a month's salary. Shaving one month off your job search can save you thousands of dolars. If you could accelerate your job search by one month, you would save between $4,000 and $25,000, depending on your annual base salary.

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Success Now
Take advantage of new 21st Century career technology to propel you towards success. Now you can leverage the multimedia power of the internet to demonstrate your value to prospective employers, strengthen your candidacy, and secure the ideal position for you. The cost of an Advancing Women career portfolio is trivial compared to the savings from accelerating your career transition. Begin today.

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How does a portfolio accelerate my career transition? (video)

How does a portfolio improve my networking?

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