
Advancing Women Self Promotion Portfolio - What Is It?
An Advancing Women self promotion professional networking portfolio is an announcement of your unique value proposition in a graphic, colorful and interactive form. This 21st Century web-based networking instrument conveys your accomplishments, skills, results, expertise, goals and vision – all presented in a professional format with outstanding artwork and design.

Your portfolio can encompass your presentations, publications, charts, graphs and work samples, ensuring that you are presented in the best possible light. It enhances your reputation and your prestige, positioning your focused message in the minds of decisions makers, and increases your authority and credibility. No other career tool can provide the benefits of a professional web portfolio.

Business and Professional Networking
It’s a high-tech, web-enabled world that you’re networking in. A professional portfolio says you’re up-to-date, web-savvy and a self-promoter. It introduces you and your achievements in a unique, elegant way, helping you to promote yourself in your company, your industry, your community and your profession.

How To Use It

  • Use your portfolio within your organization to introduce yourself to project teams, at management meetings and with new staff and peers.
  • For industry networking functions, listings in professional directories and on programs for events you participate in, your portfolio speaks on your behalf.
  • When submitting applications for membership, articles for publication, or proposals for presentations, your professional portfolio increases your visibility and graphically presents your unique value statement.
  • Your portfolio supports community volunteering, alumnae contacts, freelance consulting work, and a multitude of applications in your professional and business networking arena.


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More Resources:

View a sample portfolio

View a summary of portfolio networking uses.

Specifically how does a portfolio improve my networking?

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