
Advancing Women Self Promotion Portfolio - Why Do I Need It?
An Advancing Women web portfolio is an essential element in successful personal branding in today's world.

Brand You
Personal branding isn’t only important for promoting a product, business or political cause, but also for promoting yourself .
Think of yourself as your number one product.
Manage your career like your number one product.
Market yourself like your number one product.

Developing and Promoting Your Brand
The first priority in developing “Brand You” is to develop your skills and abilities and professional reputation. You can do this by identifying your strengths, value and accomplishments, then broadcasting them in your community, through social networking sites and on the web with your own online portfolio. Promoting "Brand You":
Adds perceived value to your product or service
Increases your earning potential
Differentiates you from the competition
Enhances your reputation and prestige
Positions your focused message in the minds of your target market
Confers top of mind status
Increases your authority and credibility

Lifelong Networking
Branding yourself should become a life long habit. Once you’ve recognized and developed your strengths, think about how you best connect with people. Consider what your target audience needs and wants, identify the value you deliver to meet those needs and wants, and communicate that value in a way that reaches your target market through the channels that work best for you. Word of mouth works. Speaking works and giving presentations works. Portfolios and social networking sites work. Practice them all.

When you meet people at networking functions, give them a business card with a link to your web portfolio. Now the people you give your card to can view your background, accomplishments, and everything you most want to showcase about yourself – all done up in a stylish, modern professional way. This makes you stand out as an achiever, gain credibility and receive top-of-mind status…and when you call them, you can turn those networking leads into networking assets.

The same applies to those times you may be forwarding information to an industry convention where you’ll speak, or to a community organization you may join, or even a team leader in another branch of your company. Your web portfolio speaks volumes about you, and helps you get the attention you deserve.

A personalized, customized career web portfolio is light years ahead of a resume. It’s like comparing the Space Shuttle with a bi-plane. Get 21st Century technology working for you, demonstrating your accomplishments, skills, vision and unique value proposition in a web-enabled platform. You’ll have an elegant, professional statement about you and your achievements.


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View a sample portfolio

View a summary of portfolio networking uses.

Specifically how does a portfolio improve my networking?

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