Client Results:

"I have used it mainly as a tool to help me subtly sell myself and my expertise with the recruiters who are part of IT consulting practices. Without excep-tion, I have only gotten very favorable comments on the site.
- Rhonda H., CIO

Upgrade your job search to 21st Century technology
Are you using 19th Century technology for your job search process? Most people today are still sending a cover letter and a resume to hiring managers, using 1804 technology, and then having a telephone conversation, using 1876 technology. You can distinguish yourself from the competition by using contemporary communications technology.
Electronic career portfolios are the greatest technological advance in proactive job hunting in over a century. They enable employers and candidates to get into a meaningful dialog more quickly, whether over the phone or in person, thereby improving the quality of the interviewing process for both parties.

Contact us for more information


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