Client Results:
a web site has been very beneficial in my job search. Potential
em-ployers who have viewed it have commented
on its professional presentation, and I believe it has been a key
factor in showcasing my talent at an executive level. As a matter
of fact, I have two interviews next week that were a direct result
of my web portfolio. Thanks for a job well done!"
-Wayne M., CPA,
Income Resources
To view contract
job boards, click on the banners below. |
Job Board |
Specialities |
Finance, accounting,
graphics, writing, programming, networks,
ERP/CRM, engineering, legal, marketing, sales,
PR, admin. |
Writing, legal,
software, graphics, business, admin. |
Software, finance,
business management, writing, sales, marketing,
legal |
Project managers,
programmers, accounting, business strategy,
writing, legal, software, graphics, admin. |
Writing |
IT |
Research, writing,
programming, graphics |
