Client Results:
a web site has been very beneficial in my job search. Potential
em-ployers who have viewed it have commented
on its professional presentation, and I believe it has been a key
factor in showcasing my talent at an executive level. As a matter
of fact, I have two interviews next week that were a direct result
of my web portfolio. Thanks for a job well done!"
-Wayne M., CPA,
Personal Interview Solutions
- Portable Folios
Tablet Portfolio |
any graph, chart or image in your career
web portfolio will display well on a tablet
PC. The resulting tablet portfolio gives
you the utmost flexibility in demonstrating
your value to prospective employers during
personal interviews.
To take maximum advantage
of the visual medium, bar charts, pie charts,
graphs, or images are often incorporated
in career web portfolios. Graphs and charts
have a significant visual impact on prospective
employers and make a much stronger impression
psychologically than a sheet of numbers. |
The mobile portfolio provides
you with the ultimate in flexibility,
enabling you to call up your web portfolio
in a restaurant with a prospective employer
after an interview, or in a trade show
or networking event with potential employers.
Both the tablet portfolio and
mobile portfolio can be useful
in interviews with the hiring manager's
peers and staff to underscore points you
make during the conversation.

Mobile Portfolio
