Client Results:
a web site has been very beneficial in my job search. Potential
em-ployers who have viewed it have commented
on its professional presentation, and I believe it has been a key
factor in showcasing my talent at an executive level. As a matter
of fact, I have two interviews next week that were a direct result
of my web portfolio. Thanks for a job well done!"
-Wayne M., CPA,
Attracting Attention from
can hyperlink your web portfolio to your
profiles on management directories (e.g.,
ZoomInfo, LinkedIn) as well as to your resume.
This can help distinguish you from the competition
so you get more initial calls from recruiters.
is a significant advantage, but there's
Recruiters are more likely to present candidates
with web portfolios, because the candidates
show better.
who show better increase the likelihood
of the recruiter getting the placement.
web portfolio leverages these marketplace
economics in your favor, accelerating your
progress towards your goal.
