Client Results:
a web site has been very beneficial in my job search. Potential
em-ployers who have viewed it have commented
on its professional presentation, and I believe it has been a key
factor in showcasing my talent at an executive level. As a matter
of fact, I have two interviews next week that were a direct result
of my web portfolio. Thanks for a job well done!"
-Wayne M., CPA,
Career Management Solutions
- Updates
As you continue to employ your career web portfolio
with new contacts you make through business networking,
it will benefit you to make sure that your portfolio
stays up to date with your latest career status.
As you complete
important projects and assume additional responsibility
in your company, upgrade your web portfolio to
reflect the current status in your career.
You can add
additional web pages to convey the latest elements
in your success story, all at a reasonable cost.
If you have assumed more responsibility, you can
expand your web portfolio to reflect your new
Keeping your
web portfolio up to date will pay dividends for
you in business networking.
