
Frequently Asked Questions
Click on the links below to view answers to frequently asked questions.

Q: How does my portfolio improve my results from business networking? 
Q: How does my portfolio accelerate job searching?
Q: Why should I have professional help in building my portfolio?
Q: How much do the different portfolio plans cost, and what is included?
Q: Is my investment in my portfolio tax deductible?
Q: What is the process for ordering/building a Platinum portfolio?
Q: What is the process for ordering/building a Gold portfolio?
Q: Why do I need a career portfolio if I already have a profile on LinkedIn and a MySpace page?
Q: What design models are available?
Q: Can I change the design model?
Q: Will the pages in my portfolio be exactly like the design model I choose?
Q: Can I add to it?
Q: What if I want to add a video or audio?
Q: Can I put my own photos in the portfolio?
Q: How can I link up my portfolio to my LInkedIn and social networking sites?
Q: I am currently looking for a new job. After I start my new employment, can I update my portfolio?
Q: What happens when someone fills out the Contact page on my portfolio?
Q: How long will it take to complete my portfolio?
Q: How is my portfolio hosted on the web?
Q: What will my web address be?
Q: What name will appear on my billing statement when I pay with PayPal?
Q: How do I contact customer service?

Q: How does my portfolio improve my results from business networking?

Q: How does my portfolio accelerate job searching?
A: - and -

Q: Why should I have professional help in building my portfolio? Can't I do it all myself?

Q: Is my investment in my portfolio tax deductible?
Yes, if you use your portfolio in job hunting. (You can be job hunting while you are employed.)

Q: How much do the two different portfolio plans cost, and what is included?

A: The Platinum Portfolio plan is $1985, which is paid in three installments. An Initial payment of $495 is made when you place your order. A second payment of $995 is made once your portfolio content is ready for your approval. The final payment of $495 is made when the portfolio is ready for delivery. This plan includes one-on-one telephone consultation with our professional career portfolio designers, who will assist you in presenting your unique value proposition in the best way.

The Gold Portfolio plan is $690. An initial payment of $295 is made when you place your order. The final payment of $395 is made when your portfolio is ready for delivery. This plan includes our exclusive online training that walks you through the design and building of your portfolio step-by-step. You benefit from years of industry experience in portfolio design as you create your career portfolio.

The price of both plans includes free web hosting for the first 12 months.

Q: What is the process for ordering/building a Platinum Portfolio?
A: You visit the Buy Now page and enter your personal information for secure payment of the initial installment via PayPal. Then you are contacted by our professional team, who schedule a consultation for you with our career portfolio designers. Together with our designers, you determine which information will be included in your portfolio, and you gather any data needed and pass it along to our experts. You approve the content of the portfolio and make your second payment. Our design team builds your portfolio. You make the final payment and receive delivery of your finished portfolio.

Q: What is the process for ordering/building a Gold Portfolio?
A: You visit the Buy Now page and enter your personal information for secure payment of the initial installment via PayPal. You are contacted by email and directed to a link for your online step-by-step training. You create your portfolio at your own pace, following our industry best practices for career portfolio design. When your portfolio content is complete, you forward it to our expert design team, who build your portfolio and deliver it to you. When it is ready for delivery, you are notified and you make your final payment via PayPal.

Q: Why do I need a career portfolio if I already have a profile on LinkedIn and a MySpace page?
A: For three reasons. First, your web page on social networking sites like LinkedIn and ZoomInfo looks the same as everybody else’s. There is no way to brand yourself on these sites. Secondly, these sites only accept a limited amount of information in a fixed format. There is no way for you to convey your management style, value proposition, expertise, skills or achievements. Third, your web portfolio leverages the visual power of graphics to create a top quality, elegant image for you that differentiates you and makes you stand out from the crowd on the social networking sites.

Q: What design models are available?

Q: Can I change the design model?:
A: The artwork in your portfolio will reflect your industry and your profession. You can add your photo, if you have one. The colors are standard to each portfolio and they cannot be changed.

Q: Will the pages in my portfolio be exactly like the design model I choose?
A: The framework will be identical, the graphics will be identical or similar, and the page configuration will be optimized to support your unique value proposition.

Q: Can I add to it?
A: Yes. The content of your portfolio will be uniquely yours. For Platinum portfolios, your professional designer will choose what pages to include, based on your unique needs. For Gold portfolios, you will receive education on choosing the right pages to include.

Q: What if I want to add a video or audio?
A: Yes, for Platinum portfolios. Just supply the .wmv video or .mp3 audio file.

Q: Can I put my own photos on the portfolio?
A: Business Networking - Photos are recommended for business networking portfolios so that people you meet can associate your portfolio with you.
A: Career Transition - If you are using your portfolio in career transition, experts generally recommend leaving photos off to avoid inviting age or race discrimination. However, if you have pictures of yourself speaking to groups or receiving awards, you should submit them and our portfolio designers will incorporate the best ones into your portfolio.

Q: How can I link up my portfolio to my LinkedIn or social networking sites?
A: LinkedIn and the other sites have a field where you can enter a web site address. Enter your portfolio address in this field. Also, on the Contact page of your portfolio, you can place links to your social network sites.

Q: I am currently looking for a new job. After I start my new employment, can I update my portfolio?
A: Yes. Your portfolio is a permanent career asset.

Q: What happens when someone fills out the Contact page on my portfolio?
A: You receive an e-mail with the data they enter.

Q: How long will it take to complete my portfolio?
A: Two to three weeks for a Platinum Portfolio, one week after you submit your information for a Gold Portfolio.

Q: How is my portfolio hosted on the Web?

Q: What will my web address be?
A: For Platinum portfolios:
. . For Gold portfolios:

Q: What name will appear on my billing statement when I pay with Pay Pal?

Q: How do I contact customer service?
A: Call toll free (888) 565-4627 M-F 9:00AM - 7:00PM

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How does a portfolio accelerate my career transition? (video)
How does a portfolio improve my networking?

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