tests have shown that people remember 11%
of what they read, 20% of what they hear,
27% of what they see, and 52% of
what they hear and see.
A career web portfolio gives you a universally-accessible,
compelling presentation of your most significant
strengths and achievements.
You can co-browse your career web portfolio
over the phone with prospective employers
during telephone interviews, showing and
explaining your achievements. This approach
can yield over 400% more impact than reading
text copy alone, with the result being more
How do you generate impact? Large corporations
constantly utilize captivating design, eye-catching
graphics, and the appealing use of color
to raise the effectiveness of their advertising
Many professionals have made management
presentations highlighting their key results.
These can be showcased very effectively
on the internet. (See bar chart.)

Our firm has an extensive library of the
finest upmarket corporate graphics to
help you put proven advertising psychology
to work for you.