your telephone interview, (1)
both you and the hiring manager can
view your career web portfolio simultaneously
from anywhere in the world (2).
You can use your online portfolio
to illustrate points during the conversation
and demonstrate your potential value
to the company. This can be your ticket
to success (3). |
When you have a telephone
interview for an out-of-town career opportunity,
you want to do everything you can to make
an outstanding impression.
An excellent way to do
this is to supplement your telephone conversation
with an impressive showcase of your experience,
skills and achievements.
A web-based showcase of
your career assets can convey your value
to hiring companies during telephone interviews.
Your portfolio can help you illustrate your
key career accomplishments during the conversation.
With many qualified candidates applying
for the same jobs, a career web portfolio
can help you to stand out from the crowd
and obtain a personal interview.